On-Page SEO Guide

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a way to make your website more visible to people who use search engines like Google. When your site shows up higher in search results, more people can find it. On-Page SEO is very important aspect of digital marketing because it helps bring more visitors to your site without having to pay for ads.

Types of On-Page SEO

On-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. Let’s break them down:

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is about the content on your website. It means making sure your website’s pages, titles, tags, content, and overall structure are optimized for the keywords people might use to search for your site. It’s like making sure your book is well-written and has a good table of contents so people can find what they’re looking for.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is about what happens away from your site that can affect your site’s trustworthiness. It mostly involves getting links from other websites. Think of it like your site’s reputation. If reputable sites link to yours, search engines take that as a good sign and might rank your site higher.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is about the technical aspects of your website that help search engines find and index your site more effectively. This includes things like making sure your site loads quickly, is secure, and works well on mobile devices. Imagine it’s like making sure the library’s catalog system is well-organized so people can easily find the books they want.

The objective of this guide is simple. We want to help you understand how to make your website as search engine-friendly as possible. By doing this, you can improve your site’s visibility, attract more visitors, and achieve your goals, whether that’s selling products, sharing your ideas, or something else. Let’s dive in and learn how to make your site shine in the eyes of search engines!

On-Page SEO Guide

Understanding On-Page SEO

Understanding on-page SEO is like learning the secret ingredients to a recipe that makes your website taste better to search engines like Google. On-page SEO is all about the stuff you do on your own website to help it rank higher in search results. It’s important because it tells search engines what your website is about and how it can be useful for people.

Imagine you have a library of books, but no titles on the spines or summaries on the back cover. It would be hard for people to find the book they want, right? On-page SEO is like adding those titles and summaries, but for your website, so search engines can understand and suggest it to people searching for what you offer.

Here’s how on-page SEO helps your website climb up the search engine ladder:

It makes your site more readable to search engines

Just like a well-organized book is easier to understand, a well-optimized website is easier for search engines to read. This can help your site rank better.

It targets specific keywords

When you use the right words (keywords) that people search for, you increase the chances of your website showing up in those search results.

It improves the user experience

Search engines want to direct people to websites that are useful and easy to navigate. On-page SEO helps make sure your site is just that.

The key components of on-page SEO include:

Title Tags

These are the headlines you see on search engine results pages. They should be catchy and include main keywords.

Meta Descriptions

These are brief descriptions under the title tags in search results. They give a snapshot of what the page is about.

Keyword Usage

Using relevant keywords throughout your content helps search engines understand what your page is about.

Alt Text for Images

This is a description for images that tells search engines what the image is showing, helping in image search results.

Headings and Subheadings (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

These organize your content and help readers (and search engines) understand the structure of your information.

URL Structure

Simple and clean URLs are easier for search engines to crawl and easier for people to remember.

Internal Linking

Linking to other pages on your site helps search engines discover more of your content and understand how it’s related.

Keyword Research and Selection for On-Page SEO

Keyword research is like going on a treasure hunt. It’s the first step you take when optimizing your website for search engines. The treasure? The right words and phrases that people use when they search for something online. These are called keywords. Finding and using these keywords in your website’s content makes it easier for search engines to understand what your site is about. This can help your site show up in search results when people look for those keywords.

Now, let’s talk about why keyword research is so important for on-page SEO. Imagine you’re throwing a party but you don’t tell anyone what it’s about. People might not come because they don’t know if it’s their kind of event. Similarly, if you don’t use the right keywords on your website, search engines might not know if your site matches what people are searching for. Using the right keywords is like sending out the perfect party invitations to search engines and users.

To find these perfect “invitations,” you can use different tools and techniques:

SEO Tools

There are many online tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz. These tools can show you which keywords are popular and how competitive they are (meaning how many other websites are using them).

Think Like Your Audience

Put yourself in the shoes of the person searching for your content. What words would they use? This can help you come up with keyword ideas.

Check Out the Competition

Look at websites similar to yours. See what keywords they are using. This can give you some good ideas.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

These are longer phrases that are more specific than general keywords. For example, instead of “cakes,” use “best chocolate cake recipe.” These specific phrases can attract a more targeted audience and might have less competition.

Selecting the right keywords is not just about picking the most popular ones. Here’s how to choose the best keywords for your content:


The keywords must be relevant to your content. If they match what you’re writing about, they’re more likely to attract the right audience.

Search Volume

This tells you how many people are searching for a particular keyword. A higher search volume means more potential visitors but also more competition.


Look for keywords that have a reasonable level of competition. It’s often better to target keywords where you have a chance to rank higher.


Understand the intent behind the keyword. Are people looking to buy something, or are they just looking for information? Choose keywords that match the purpose of your content.

Content Optimization for On-Page SEO

Content optimization is like preparing a delicious meal that also looks great on the plate. It’s all about making your website’s content appealing not just to visitors but to search engines too. Let’s break down how you can cook up some top-notch content for your site. Effective content marketing when performed with optimized content enhances brand visibility and authority.

Creating High-Quality, Relevant Content

First things first, your content needs to be good. Really good. This means it should be interesting, useful, and relevant to what people are searching for. Think about what questions your visitors have and how you can answer them. Just like a chef uses fresh ingredients for the best dishes, use fresh, original ideas for your content.

Incorporating Keywords Naturally into Your Content

Keywords are the spices in your dish. Just as too much salt can ruin a meal, overusing keywords can make your content taste bad to search engines. Sprinkle them lightly throughout your text, so they feel natural. Use them in a way that makes sense and adds flavor to your content, helping search engines understand what your page is about without overwhelming your readers.

Tips for Optimizing Headers, Titles, and Meta Descriptions

Headers, titles, and meta descriptions are like the name and description you’d see on a restaurant menu. They give people an idea of what to expect before they “taste” your content.

  • Titles should be catchy and include your main keyword if possible. They’re what show up in search results and browser tabs, so make them count.
  • Headers (H1, H2, etc.) break your content into digestible pieces. They’re not just for looks; they help search engines understand the structure of your content. Include keywords in headers, but keep them natural.
  • Meta descriptions are the short previews that appear under your title in search results. They don’t directly impact your ranking, but a compelling description can make someone more likely to click on your site. Use your target keyword and write something that invites readers in.

The Role of Multimedia in Content Optimization

Multimedia, like images, videos, and infographics, is the garnish on your dish. It makes your content more engaging and can help explain your message better than text alone. But it’s not just about making your page look pretty. Search engines can’t “see” images the way people do, so you need to use alt text (a brief description of the image) to help them understand what the image is about. This can also improve your site’s accessibility for people using screen readers.

Multimedia can also keep visitors on your page longer, which is a good signal to search engines that your content is valuable. Just make sure your images and videos are optimized so they don’t slow down your site.

HTML Tags That Matter for On-Page SEO

HTML tags are like the hidden instructions on a website that tell search engines what’s important. They’re a big deal for SEO because they help search engines understand your content better. Let’s look at some key HTML tags and how to use them effectively.

Title Tags

Think of title tags like the title of a book. They give a quick hint about what the content is about. For search engines and people browsing the web, title tags are crucial because they appear in search results and browser tabs.

Best practices for creating effective titles:

  • Keep them concise, ideally under 60 characters, so they don’t get cut off in search results.
  • Include your main keyword if you can, as close to the beginning as possible.
  • Make them descriptive and interesting to encourage people to click.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are like the summary on the back of a book. They don’t directly affect your ranking in search engines, but a good meta description can make someone more likely to click on your site.

Tips for writing compelling descriptions:

  • Keep them under 160 characters to ensure they’re not truncated in search results.
  • Use action-oriented language that invites readers to learn more.
  • Include your target keyword and provide a clear value proposition.

Header Tags (H1, H2, etc.)

Header tags help organize your content, making it easier for both readers and search engines to understand the structure of your page.

  • H1 tags are like the title of a chapter. You should have one per page, and it should give a clear idea of what the page is about.
  • H2, H3 (and so on) tags break the content into sections and subsections, like subheadings in a book. They make your content easier to skim and can help with SEO if they include relevant keywords.

Alt Text for Images

Alt text is a brief description of an image, which isn’t just for SEO but also for accessibility. It helps search engines understand what the image is about, and it’s crucial for people using screen readers because it describes the image to them.

Enhancing accessibility and relevance:

  • Be descriptive and concise. Imagine you’re explaining the image to someone who can’t see it.
  • Include relevant keywords if they naturally fit, but don’t force them or stuff them in.
  • Remember, alt text is also about making your site more accessible to all users, not just improving SEO.

By paying attention to these HTML tags and using them wisely, you’re helping search engines and users alike understand and appreciate your content better. This can lead to better rankings in search results and more clicks from potential visitors.

URL Optimization

URL optimization is like making sure the address to your house is easy to read and remember so friends can find it without getting lost. For websites, a well-optimized URL helps search engines and people understand what the page is about before they even visit it. Here’s how you can make your URLs SEO-friendly and user-friendly.

The Structure of SEO-Friendly URLs

SEO-friendly URLs are clear, straightforward, and related to the content of the page. Think of them as neat, tidy paths leading directly to the door of the content you want visitors to read.

  • Keep it simple: Use plain language that both search engines and humans can understand.
  • Use slashes to separate parts: Like chapters in a book, slashes help organize the information in a URL into sections.

Keyword Inclusion in URLs

Including keywords in your URLs is like putting a signpost on the road that tells people and search engines what they’re about to find. It’s a hint about the content of the page.

  • Be relevant: Choose keywords that are closely related to the content of the page.
  • Don’t overdo it: Just like one signpost is enough to give directions, one or two relevant keywords are enough for your URL.

Tips for Creating Readable and Concise URLs

Making your URLs readable and concise is about ensuring they’re easy to understand and remember. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Keep them short: Short URLs are easier to copy, paste, and share. They also look better in search results.
  • Avoid numbers and special characters: These can make URLs look cluttered and confusing. Stick to words and hyphens.
  • Use hyphens to separate words: Spaces or underscores can make URLs look messy or get encoded strangely in browsers. Hyphens are the way to go.
  • Lowercase letters: Using lowercase letters avoids confusion, as URLs are case-sensitive in some servers.

Remembering these simple guidelines, you can create URLs that work better for both search engines and your visitors. Think of your URL as the first impression your page makes — you want it to be clear, relevant, and inviting.

Internal Linking Strategy

Internal linking is like creating a network of roads within your own city. It connects different pages of your website together, making it easier for both your visitors and search engines to navigate and discover more of your content. Let’s dive into why it’s crucial for SEO and how you can do it effectively.

The Importance of Internal Linking for On-Page SEO

Internal links are important because they:

  • Help search engines find and index your pages: Think of each link as a pathway that search engine robots can follow to discover new pages on your site.
  • Spread ‘link juice’ around your site: This is a way of saying that links can pass value from one page to another, helping to improve the ranking of the linked pages.
  • Improve user experience: By providing relevant links, you’re helping your visitors find what they’re looking for, which can keep them on your site longer.

Best Practices for Linking Structure

Creating a smart linking structure is like planning a city’s layout so that everything is connected efficiently and logically.

  • Use a hierarchical structure: Start with your homepage, then link to main categories, and from there to subcategories and individual pages. This creates a clear, logical structure.
  • Link to important pages more often: If you have pages that are particularly important for your visitors to see, link to them from multiple places on your site.
  • Keep it natural: Your internal links should feel like a natural part of your content, not forced or out of place.

Using Anchor Text Effectively

Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. Using it effectively is like putting clear signs on your roads that tell people exactly where they’ll go if they follow them.

  • Be descriptive: Use anchor text that tells both users and search engines what the linked page is about. Instead of “click here,” use “learn more about SEO best practices.”
  • Vary your anchor text: Using the same anchor text for every link to a page can look spammy to search engines. Mix it up but keep it relevant.
  • Use keywords wisely: Including relevant keywords in your anchor text can help with SEO, but like everything else, don’t overdo it. Keep it natural and useful for your readers.

By following these tips, you’re not just improving your site’s SEO; you’re also creating a better, more navigable website for your visitors. Internal linking can seem like a small part of website design, but it plays a big role in how both search engines and users view your site.

Enhancing User Experience (UX)

Enhancing User Experience (UX) is like making sure your guests have the best possible time at your party. It’s not just about having great content; it’s also about making sure your visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily, and enjoy themselves while they’re at it. Let’s explore how UX impacts SEO and some ways to improve it on your website.

The Impact of UX on On-Page SEO

Good UX and SEO go hand in hand. Search engines like Google want to direct users to websites that are not only relevant but also provide a great user experience. If your site is easy to use, loads quickly, and looks good on mobile devices, it’s more likely to rank higher in search results. This is because search engines interpret a good user experience as a sign of high-quality content.

Mobile Optimization: Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly

With more people using their phones to browse the internet than ever before, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial.

  • Responsive Design: This means your site adjusts to fit the screen it’s being viewed on, whether it’s a desktop, a tablet, or a smartphone.
  • Simplify Navigation: Mobile users don’t want to wade through complicated menus. Keep your navigation simple and easy to use on a small screen.
  • Touch-Friendly: Make sure buttons and links are easy to tap on a touchscreen.

Page Speed Optimization: Tools and Tips to Improve Load Times

A fast-loading site keeps visitors happy. Even a few seconds’ delay can make users leave your site.

  • Use Compression Tools: Tools like Gzip can reduce the size of your files, making them faster to download.
  • Optimize Images: Make sure your images are no larger than they need to be, and use the right file format to keep file sizes down.
  • Leverage Browser Caching: This allows visitors’ browsers to store parts of your site, so it loads faster the next time they visit.

There are several tools out there to help you check and improve your site’s speed, like Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

Readability and Navigation: Enhancing the User Journey on Your Site

Making your site easy to read and navigate is key to a good user experience.

  • Clear Headings and Subheadings: These help users and search engines understand what your content is about.
  • Short Paragraphs: Large blocks of text can be intimidating. Keep paragraphs short to improve readability.
  • Intuitive Navigation: Your site’s layout should be straightforward, with a clear path from the homepage to other sections of the site.

By focusing on these areas, you’re not just making your site more enjoyable for visitors; you’re also improving its chances of ranking well in search results. Remember, a website that’s a pleasure to use is a website that’s more likely to attract and retain visitors.

Schema Markup

Schema markup is like a secret code that you add to your website to help search engines understand your content better. It’s a form of microdata that you put in your website’s code. This doesn’t change how your site looks to visitors, but it does make your site more readable for search engines like Google. Let’s break down what schema markup is, its benefits, the types you can use, and how to make sure it’s working correctly.

Understanding Schema Markup and Its Benefits

Think of schema markup as a highlighter for your website’s content. Just as a highlighter makes important information stand out in a book, schema markup makes the key elements of your website stand out to search engines. This can help your site appear more prominently in search results, sometimes with rich snippets like star ratings, prices, or author names, making it more likely that people will click on your site.

Types of Schema Markup and How to Implement Them

There are many types of schema markup, each designed for different kinds of content. Here are a few common ones:

  • Articles: For blog posts and news articles.
  • Events: For upcoming events.
  • Products: For items you’re selling, including prices and availability.
  • Recipes: For cooking instructions, including ingredients and cooking times.

To implement schema markup, you need to add specific code snippets to the HTML of your web pages. You can use the Schema.org vocabulary to find the right markup for your content. It might sound complicated, but there are tools and plugins available that can help simplify the process, especially if you’re not comfortable editing HTML directly.

Tools for Testing and Validating Schema Markup

After you’ve added schema markup to your website, you’ll want to make sure it’s working correctly. Thankfully, there are tools that can help you do just that:

  • Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool: This tool allows you to paste in URLs or code snippets to check for errors in your schema markup.
  • Google’s Rich Results Test: Similar to the Structured Data Testing Tool, this tool checks if your page is eligible for rich results in Google’s search results.

Schema markup, essentially gives search engines a roadmap to your site’s content, making it easier for them to display your site in search results in a way that’s eye-catching and informative for users. It’s a powerful tool in your SEO toolkit, and when implemented correctly, it can significantly enhance your site’s visibility and click-through rates.

On-Page SEO Audits and Continuous Improvement

SEO audits are like health check-ups for your website. They help you find out what’s working well and what needs a bit of TLC to improve your site’s visibility in search engines. Let’s walk through how to do an on-page SEO audit, fix common issues, and keep your SEO strategy fresh for ongoing success.

Conducting an On-Page SEO Audit: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Check Your Titles and Descriptions: Make sure every page has a unique title and description that includes relevant keywords.
  2. Review Your Content Quality: Look for pages with thin or duplicate content and update them with fresh, valuable information.
  3. Examine Your Site’s Structure: Ensure your website is easy to navigate, with a clear hierarchy and internal linking.
  4. Evaluate Your URLs: Check that URLs are short, descriptive, and include keywords where appropriate.
  5. Assess Mobile-Friendliness: Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to see if your site works well on mobile devices.
  6. Analyze Page Speed: Use PageSpeed Insights by Google to find out how quickly your site loads and get tips for making it faster.
  7. Look for Broken Links: Use a tool to identify and fix any broken links, which can frustrate users and hurt your SEO.

Identifying and Fixing Common On-Page SEO Issues

  • Duplicate Content: Use canonical tags to tell search engines which version of a page to prioritize.
  • Missing Alt Text: Go through your images and add descriptive alt text to each one.
  • Slow Load Times: Compress images, leverage browser caching, and minimize JavaScript and CSS files to speed up your site.
  • Poor Mobile Experience: Consider redesigning your site with a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes.

Monitoring and Updating Your SEO Strategy for Long-Term Success

SEO isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process. Here’s how to stay on top:

  • Keep an Eye on Analytics: Regularly check your site’s performance in Google Analytics to understand how visitors are interacting with your site.
  • Stay Updated with SEO Trends: SEO best practices evolve. Follow Entrustech blog for SEO news sources and forums to keep up with the latest trends and algorithm updates.
  • Revisit Your Keywords: As your business and the market change, so should your targeted keywords. Periodically review and update them as needed.
  • Conduct Regular SEO Audits: Aim to audit your SEO every six months to a year to catch any issues early and adjust your strategy as needed.

Recommended Tools and Plugins we use for On-Page SEO

  1. Yoast SEO (WordPress Plugin): This plugin is essential for WordPress users, offering comprehensive help with creating SEO-friendly content, optimizing meta tags, generating sitemaps, and more.
  2. Google Search Console: A must-have tool for any website owner, it provides insights into how Google views your site, highlights issues to fix, and helps you understand your site’s performance in search results.
  3. SEMrush: A powerful all-in-one SEO toolkit that offers keyword research, site audits, competitor analysis, and much more. It’s great for both on-page and off-page SEO strategies.
  4. Ahrefs: Similar to SEMrush, Ahrefs offers a suite of tools to help with keyword research, site audits, and competitor analysis. Its backlink analysis tool is particularly useful.
  5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider: A desktop program that crawls your website’s links, images, CSS, and script to find SEO issues. It’s excellent for larger sites.
  6. Moz Pro: This suite of SEO tools helps with site audits, keyword research, and link building. Its Page Optimization feature provides actionable recommendations to improve your on-page SEO.


Mastering on-page SEO is a crucial step towards ensuring your website not only ranks well in search engine results but also provides a great user experience. From understanding the basics of keyword research to implementing advanced schema markup, each element plays a significant role in your website’s visibility and success.

However, keeping up with the ever-evolving SEO landscape can be challenging. This is where Entrustech comes in. Let our experts perform a comprehensive SEO audit on your website to identify opportunities for improvement and craft a tailored strategy that drives results. Don’t let potential traffic pass you by. Contact Entrustech today and take the first step towards unlocking your website’s full potential.

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