A guide to getting the most out of your mentoring relationships

What is mentoring? This is a question that doesn’t have one answer, because mentoring can mean different things to different people. But at its core, mentoring is about creating a relationship in which one person helps another person learn and grow. This could involve guided learning on specific topics, or it could be more general guidance and support for achieving personal or professional goals. Mentoring can be an incredibly valuable experience for both mentors and mentees, so if you’re thinking of becoming a mentor or finding a mentor, here are some things to keep in mind.

Mentoring is a one-to-one relationship between an experienced professional (mentor) who shares their knowledge, skills, & experience with a less experienced protege to assist in their career progress.

The mentor commits to the protege for a set period and invests time getting to know them, their capabilities, interests, & ambitions. Mentor will be knowledgeable in their field & pass on wisdom gained through their own business experiences.

The protege must be committed and prepared to attend meetings & take action. They must be capable of clear self- assessment and have honest insight into their strengths & weaknesses. They will be ready to discuss these areas with their mentor.

Mentor explores with their protege their current situation, what they wish to achieve, & how they will get there without prescribing solutions.

How a mentor helps:
– Career introductions
– Corporate understanding
– Problem-solving
– Overcome hurdles
– Explore work methods
– Career planning

Goal Setting:
The protege must willingly talk about their vision for the future, aspirations., where they are now, and where they want to go.
The mentor will help develop a career plan with goals, targets, and time frames.
The protege will reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, & threats.

The proteges will consider it will help the development. It may involve learning new skills, building confidence, and new ways of working or expanding networks opening the doors to:
– Career change Connection Entrepreneur Financial
– Innovation
– Personal development

Planning & Insights:
The mentoring experience is about long- term career planning & strategic business challenges.
The mentor provides support & advice to help the protege move towards their ambitions.
The protege actively manages the two- way exploration & discussions, making the most of their mentor’s time & experience.

The mentoring partners agree on:
– Duration of the mentoring period
– Contact plan (meeting, phone, emails) frequency of contact, length, location, the context of the meeting
– Expectations of each other

At the end of the mentoring experience, the protege will feel strengthened by the relationship, be able to see things more clearly, have a career path, and continue independently.

Despite the challenges, mentoring can be a very rewarding experience for both parties involved. It provides an opportunity for individuals to share their knowledge and expertise with others, while also gaining new insights and perspectives. If you’re thinking about becoming a mentor, we encourage you to reach out to Entrustech. We can provide you with the resources and support you need to make the most of your mentoring relationship.