Overcoming IT Hiring Challenges at IWH

Executive Summary

This case study showcases how Entrustech helped the mid-sized company IWH in fulfilling their specific IT hiring needs in a hybrid/remote work environment. With Entrustech’s comprehensive recruitment strategies, IWH was successful in hiring a Database Administrator and a Full Stack Developer with a mix of old and new Microsoft technologies.

Customer Challenges

IWH found themselves in a tough spot when they needed to hire IT professionals for two critical roles – a Database Administrator and a Full Stack Developer. With the recent shift to a hybrid/remote work model, finding the right candidates with the necessary skillsets proved challenging. The Full Stack Developer role was particularly difficult as it required knowledge of both legacy and modern Microsoft technologies.

Journey to Discovery

While navigating this challenge, Entrustech was referred to IWH by a satisfied client. Impressed by Entrustech’s successful track record in IT recruitment and their unique approach to understanding client needs, IWH decided to partner with them.

The Solution

Entrustech’s approach was based on a deep understanding of IWH’s requirements. They started by conducting detailed interviews with the IWH team to thoroughly understand the roles’ responsibilities and the company culture.

With a clear understanding of the roles, Entrustech initiated a multi-pronged search using various platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. They targeted professionals with the required skill set, and who were comfortable in a hybrid/remote work setting.

The challenge of finding a Full Stack Developer proficient in both legacy and modern Microsoft technologies was overcome by leveraging Entrustech’s wide network and deep understanding of the IT industry. This allowed them to connect with developers who had evolved their skills along with the changing technology landscape.

Recruitment Process

Entrustech, keeping transparency and efficiency at the forefront, coordinated interviews between IWH and the shortlisted candidates. They also conducted technical screenings to ensure the candidates’ skills were in line with IWH’s requirements.

The process didn’t stop at just hiring. Entrustech also facilitated onboarding sessions to ensure a smooth transition of the hired professionals into their new roles at IWH.


Entrustech’s dedicated efforts led to the successful hiring of a competent Database Administrator and a Full Stack Developer who was a perfect blend of the old and new Microsoft technologies. IWH saw a notable improvement in their IT operations with these valuable additions to their team, resulting in increased project efficiency by 40% within the first quarter itself.


IWH’s journey from grappling with IT hiring challenges to celebrating the success of their new hires underlines the power of partnering with the right recruitment agency. Entrustech’s deep understanding of the IT industry, coupled with its effective recruitment strategies, made the difference.

Facing similar challenges with your IT hiring needs? Get in touch with Entrustech. Together, we can find the professionals that your company needs to thrive in today’s digital world. Your journey towards hiring success starts here.

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