Social networking Alternatives Amid Hostile Twitter Takeover

In the wake of a contentious takeover that has rattled the very foundations of Twitter, users are increasingly seeking refuge in alternative social networking platforms. This mass migration underscores a pivotal moment for online communities, as individuals and groups alike search for new digital sanctuaries that promise a more welcoming and secure environment. The shift … Read more

Guide to Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Recruitment Process Outsourcing, or RPO, is a type of business process outsourcing (BPO) where an organization outsources its recruitment functions to a third-party provider. The service provider assumes responsibility for the end-to-end recruitment process, from identifying and sourcing candidates to screening and selecting employees. RPO can be used to supplement an organization’s in-house recruiting efforts … Read more

Ways to Communicate with Recruiters on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a valuable tool for professional networking and relationships building. Be the relationship with your colleagues, coworkers, friends or recruiters. However, simply having a profile on the site is not enough to guarantee success. In order to stand out from the crowd, you need to take an active and strategic approach to reaching out … Read more

Using Art of Storytelling to Ace an Interview

We’ve all heard the saying “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” And when it comes to job interviews, that is especially true. Most interviewers aren’t looking for canned answers or rehearsed speeches; they want to see how well you can think on your feet and communicate. One of the best ways … Read more

Cloud Computing Basics Explained

Cloud Computing | Entrustech Inc

Have you been hearing a lot about ‘the cloud’ and wondered what it is? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably heard the term “cloud computing” but don’t really know what it means. Cloud computing is a way to use technology that allows you to access information or applications from any device with an internet … Read more

Hiring Expenses That Are Tax Deductible

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice, but advice on things that can be presented to a CPA when filing, organizing and discussing your possible expenses and deductions. Recruitment advertising: If you paid to post a job ad online, in a newspaper, on the radio, online job boards those advertising expenses are tax deductible. Job/career fair … Read more

5 reasons to use a Recruitment Agency

Recruitment agencies can be a great resource for both employers and candidates. They can help employers find qualified candidates, and they can help candidates find jobs that match their skills and interests. Using a recruitment agency can be a win-win for employers and candidates. Agencies have the resources to find the best candidates for open … Read more

Tips to prepare for Successful Engineering Interview

Are you an engineering student or recent graduate or entry level engineer or any level Engineering Professional who is preparing for interviews for their next dream job? If so, you’re likely looking for advice on how to best prepare. In this post, we’ll provide some tips to help you succeed in your interviews. From studying … Read more

Tips to become a Rockstar Recruiter

Do you have what it takes to be a recruiter? It’s not as easy as it may seem. There are some key things that you need to know in order to be successful. In this blog post, I’m going to give you some tips on how to become a recruiter. So, if you’re interested in … Read more

Product Manager vs. Project Manager

It’s no secret that there is some overlap between the responsibilities of product managers and project managers. But what are the key differences between these two roles? And which one is right for you? In this post, we’ll break down the key distinctions between product managers and project managers, and help you decide which role … Read more