Ways to Communicate with Recruiters on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a valuable tool for professional networking and relationships building. Be the relationship with your colleagues, coworkers, friends or recruiters. However, simply having a profile on the site is not enough to guarantee success. In order to stand out from the crowd, you need to take an active and strategic approach to reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn.

Ensure you profile is up to date and tailored to the next job you are targeting. This will help recruiters to get the first understanding of you and your goals. If you need tips to update and complete your profile read 15 steps to Optimize your LinkedIn profile.

Keep your resume updated and polished to share with recruiters once you are in conversation with them. Read Art of Optimizing Resume to update you resume for success.

In order to reach out to recruiters do some research and find out the active recruiters working in your area of expertise. Go through their profiles and create a list of recruiters that sounds promising to you.

Once you have the list of recruiters make your first move with short and personalized starter message.
It is a good idea to first send a connection request when reaching out to a recruiter on LinkedIn. And in doing so, don’t forget to include a note with your request.

Sample message:


I keep seeing your profile appear on my feed. I must say that you have been doing a great job in your current role. I’d like to add you to my network.

Thank you.

After making the connection with recruiters on LinkedIn, next step is to write a message that will get you a response. Its important and tricky to know what you should say when sending messages.

Also, make sure you’re targeting the right person. You may not realize this, but people on LinkedIn are very specific about whom they’ll accept as connections and network with. If someone doesn’t share any of your fields of interest or industry, it’s unlikely they’ll respond.

Here’re some examples of LinkedIn messages that can generate responses:

After submitting your application


I submitted my application and I was just curious to know if you had received it. I’m very excited about the opportunity and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Please reach out to me in case you need any more information.


Just networking request


I hope you’re well. I’m just reaching out to see if you might have any advice or insights about job searching in your industry.

I am targeting a position at a company like yours and would love to get some feedback from someone who is currently working in that field. Might you have time for a quick call? I promise it won’t take more than 10 minutes of your time. 🙂


To inquire if the position is still open


I am inquiring if the position of _ is still open. I saw on your website that the deadline has passed, but I’m very interested in the opportunity and would love to hear more about it.

My name is _ and I have over years of experience in . I am confident that my skills and background would make me a perfect fit for this position. If you could take a moment to reply to this email, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time!


Asking about internship opportunities


I am a student at XYZ UNIVERSITY and I am extremely interested in learning about any opportunities for internships your company might have.

Can you tell me more about what sorts of internships are available? Are there any specific areas or departments that tend to offer internships more often than others?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Best practices when communicating to recruiters

  • Be sure to be polite and respectful.
  • Be clear and concise in your communication
  • Follow up after initial contact
  • Don’t write a generic message. Instead, be specific to catch your recipient’s attention.
  • Avoid sending big messages where you talk only about yourself.
  • Don’t send very short messages, such as Hi, can you help me get a job!
  • Avoid sending the same message to all recruiters. Instead, personalize each message to what the recruiter might be looking for.
  • Don’t sound rude or demanding.
  • Always proofread your message before hitting the send button.

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You can visit our blogs at Entrustech website for more informational reading. Contact us in case you are looking for you next job opportunity.