Role of AI in Recruitment Industry

In a modern world, where technology is constantly developing, many processes and industries are changing as well. Recruitment industry is not an exception here. The role of artificial intelligence in recruitment is growing rapidly and there is no doubt that this trend will continue in the years to come. Some recruiters are still hesitant to … Read more

Understanding Personal Bias when Hiring

When it comes to hiring, we all have our personal biases. Sometimes these biases are based on our own experiences or what we’ve been told by others. This can lead to us unintentionally discriminating against certain candidates during the hiring process. In order to reduce personal bias when hiring, it’s important to be aware of … Read more

Step by Step Guide to Writing Effective Case Study

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a real-life situation or incident, usually used to provide context for a business or academic paper. These days case studies are an essential part of any B2B marketer’s toolkit. But what makes a great case study? How can you make sure your case studies are both effective … Read more

Social Media Recruiting: Complete Guide

Nearly everyone is on social media these days, so it’s no surprise that many companies are using social media to recruit new employees. But if you’re not using social media recruiting successfully, you’re missing out on a lot of potential candidates. However, using social media for recruiting can be tricky. If you don’t do it … Read more

First Principles Thinking: Think Like An Inventor

When it comes to problem solving, there are a few different ways of thinking about things. One way is through first principles thinking. First principles thinking is a way of breaking down problems into their most basic parts in order to find a solution. It can be helpful when you feel stuck on a problem, … Read more

Why adopting to cloud is crucial for digital innovation?

Cloud adoption is growing rapidly and for good reason. The cloud provides organizations with a variety of benefits, including agility, scalability, and cost savings. By moving to the cloud, your organization can improve its digital innovation capabilities and keep up with the competition.Digital transformation is all about how technology can help an organization embrace new … Read more

Understanding different types of Recruitment models

Do you know the different types of recruitment models? There are quite a few, and each one has its own benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we’ll explore four of the most common models: contingency recruitment, retained search, executive search, and networking. Each one has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important … Read more

Staff Augmentation Trends & Entrustech

Staffing Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a process by which a business or corporation can temporarily or permanently add employees to its workforce. This practice has become increasingly popular in recent years, as businesses seek to maximize efficiency and respond to changing market conditions. Whether you’re a small business owner, corporate executive, or recruiter, these trends are worth … Read more

15 steps to Optimize your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is the professional social media and LinkedIn profile is a place for you to build your professional brand, showcase your achievements and skills, share content with other professionals, and connect with colleagues, business partners, and potential employers. With millions or users world wide LinkedIn provide you ability to showcase your abilities and skill for … Read more